Case Study - Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Set-Up
20th January 2014

Our client
Our client was a start-up pharmaceutical subsidiary of a major global organisation.
The client has a two stage manufacturing process involving two suppliers; one preparing the API and the other taking the part processed product and doing final assembly and pack.
We were briefed to establish the supply chain processes that would enable the following processes to be prepared in an optimum manner:
• Clear ways of working between the two suppliers and our client
• Understanding of strategic stock holding plans to support the product launch
• Identification of supply bottle-necks and hence areas for pre-launch remediation or planning to maintain service levels
• Documentation of the ways of working into a SAP User Requirements Specification
• Understand the product flows and stock holding volume as a basis for engaging with a third party logistics provider.
Lime Associates researched and delivered a project plan for the client to obtain a wholesale dealers licence; provided a detailed model of the supply chain with recommended planning parameters and stock levels, a detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) for the logistics services required to support the supply chain from movement of raw materials through to delivery to customers and a SAP User Requirements Specification.
The results of our actions can be considered in two areas:
Firstly, the client understood the supply chain, its constraints and hence could prioritise pre-launch stock builds of components to mitigate capacity short-falls. Stock holding was modelled and a warehousing capacity issue was identified, so we sourced additional capacity for components as well as finished goods.
Secondly, all of this work was done within the regulatory framework relevant to a pharmaceutical company. All of the processes were documented in the URS to GAMP5 standards. The logistics RFP was targeted at those companies that could offer warehousing including a wholesale dealer’s licence and operating to Good Distribution Practice (GDP).
In only three months, Lime Associates was able to provide a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the client’s supply chain challenges.
To find out more or ask any questions, please feel free to contact us on 0114 213 8306, or
Categories: Case Studies, Supply Chain Management, Start Ups
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