Representing the client - the importance of trust in third party relationships
5th November 2013

Like many businesses, at the end of every contract we politely solicit feedback from the client, but very rarely do we ask the opinion of the key suppliers who we have worked with on behalf of our clients. In a bid to remedy this, we conducted interviews with several of the key suppliers that we have worked with over the last four years and were overwhelmed by the responses.
By dint of our proven purchasing skills combined with impressive networks and decades of experience, Lime Associates is able to source great suppliers that deliver excellent value to its clients. How well Lime Associates engages with suppliers on behalf of its clients was a common theme in the independently conducted interviews and one that delighted all members of the Lime team.
Here is a snapshot of what our third party suppliers had to say;
“Lime Associates were skilled in representing the interests of both their client and the client’s potential suppliers. They were very much the catalyst for smooth transition.” Packaging Supplier
“We felt that Lime Associates was clearly acting in the best interests of the client, but we had a strong sense that they were trying to help us to put our best case forward too.”
Recruitment Supplier
“We liked Lime Associates’ sensible approach of doing due diligence at the front end to allow engagement before the tender process started. It gave us the opportunity to sell ourselves from the outset.
Print Management Company
“Lime Associates were firm but fair negotiators who worked hard to understand the business needs of both the client and the supplier.”
Recruitment Supplier
In addition, one of our ‘oldest’ clients reiterated the importance of the trust element when he said; “The team at Lime Associates were highly professional and worked with a great degree of integrity and earned the respect of colleagues in all areas of the business. This was vitally important as they represented us to the supplier base in all instances.”
If you would like to know more about Lime Associates and how we partner our suppliers, please feel free to contact us on 0114 213 8306, or
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